Travel Technology for Ecotourism?
Here is an interesting website NEXTGEN Travel Distribution, a worldwide travel platform that connects suppliers (travel booking websites, travel agents, tour operators, car rental companies, airplane ticket booking websites, hotels, etc.?) with consumers (obviously various kind of travelers), all gratis (FOC or free of charge). NEXTGEN Travel Distribution also claims offering the most in-depth travel content in the world.NEXTGEN Travel Distribution claims to have what they call Travel technology plus a private label booking engine. Now this is something I am very much interested to find out more about as perhaps I can have a private label booking engine for ecotourism. I tried to sign up as a partner so as to get that private label booking engine and see if it can do what I hope to do. That took me to a page that has the promising "Completely customizable" phrase, so the possibility is there. I have registered as a partner but now there are other things waiting for me to complete, so will update this post with a link to a new post on NEXTGEN Travel Distribution later (hopefully I don't forget).